
We made up mini plant methods to purification of the active ingredient


We made up mini plant methods to purification of the active ingredient from herbs cultivation at laboratory and attached farm.

Plant cultivation(植物栽培) → Drying operation(乾燥) →
Extraction methods(抽出方法) → Column separation(カラム分画) →
HPLC purification(精製) → Physiological activity test(生理活性テスト)
(Anti-oxidation using Hitachi Aloka instrument)

In the future,We accept the trainees by using the mini plant, and to learn the technology.

We made up mini plant methods to purification of the active ingredient

We made up mini plant methods to purification of the active ingredient from herbs cultivation at laboratory and attached farm.

Plant cultivation(植物栽培) → Drying operation(乾燥) →
Extraction methods(抽出方法) → Column separation(カラム分画) →
HPLC purification(精製) → Physiological activity test(生理活性テスト)
(Anti-oxidation using Hitachi Aloka instrument)

In the future,We accept the trainees by using the mini plant, and to learn the technology.

〒790-0045 愛媛県松山市余戸中1丁目2-5号 電話・FAX 089-908-9718 Mail chromatograph.ji@silk.plala.or.jp