




Hilo city and snow mountain in Hawaii island with a research stitute

Separation and refining service contract from research institutions

Separation and refining service contract from research institutions in Vietnam Started this month to separate and purify new chemical compounds In JI Lab、 we has entrusted the separation and purification of synthetic biologically active substances from research institutes in Vietnam (mainly from Hanoi Institute of Technology). A year ago, I have been studying development research since I became familiar with ECC .COE―T,Tuoc in inviting technical training on food material development at ECC in Ho Chi Minh City. Among them, the teacher of Hanoi University in the north and Dr. Matsushita of J.I Science(YU) were exchanging opinions on research papers, so after visiting the laboratory of PhD. T. Chuan after technical training, the separation of synthetic biologically active substances this time . Those entrusted with refining work. Although it is a complex compound, it will be refined using J.I Science chromatography equipment. The refined components are to be subjected to molecular structure analysis and determination of physiological activity performance in Vietnamese research institutes. Dr. Matsushita is scheduled to visit the room of PhD. Chuan of Hanoi University of Technology at the stage of research. We also hold meetings on future research subjects.

〒790-0045 愛媛県松山市余戸中1丁目2-5号 電話・FAX 089-908-9718 Mail chromatograph.ji@silk.plala.or.jp